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Connection with Madonna di Campiglio and Pinzolo

Collegamento sci Folgarida Madonna di Campiglio

Direct on-ski connection with Madonna di Campiglio for a total of 60 cable installations and 150 km of slopes.

Ski Area Dolomti

Hotel Daolasa


Almazzago, Piano, Daolasa, Deggiano, Mastellina, Mestriago and the small resort of Costa Rotian, are the suburbs included in the municipality of Commezzadura. Located in the center of the Valle di Sole Valley, between the villages of Dimaro and Mezzana, Commezzadura divides the Val di Sole Valley into middle and high as in the highest part of its last suburb, Piano, the statal road leads precipitous to the village of Mezzana.

Once based on agiculture, the activity of Commezzadura is today instead based on tourism. The opening of the Daolasa-Val Mastellina installations connected to the Marilleva Folgarida cables and slopes led to new development opportunities for hotels, bed and breakfast lodges, residences, apartments and new accommodations, which are constantly increasing.

You cannot miss the small vllage of Deggiano, in the eastern part of Commezzadura, which offers a beautiful view on the surrounding peaks, such as the Sasso Rosso and the Spolverino, as well as on the highest part of the Val di Sole Valley.


The new Daolasa cableway

Launched in December 2007, the new installation Daolasa-Val Mastellina allows the integration of the Folgarida Marilleva installations with the Trento-Malé railway, permitting thus traffic reduction towards the skiarea.

Daolasa is the only suburb of Commezzadura located on the right of the river Noce, in a high position compared to the rest.

Since 2008 the Daolasa Ski Station is active in the heart of the Val di Sole Valley, bringing guest to the Folgarida - Marilleva skiarea.

News Dimaro e Commezzadura

A Folgarida pronti si Scia!!!

14 December 2011

A Folgarida pronti si Scia!!! Impianti e piste aperti anche a Folgarida in Val di Sole. L'innevamento programmato è in funzione e la neve naturale di lunedì 12 dicembre (circa 10 cm.) ha permesso di completare le piste aperte da oggi. La situazione è in continua evoluzione e secondo le previsioni meteo un nuovo fronte nevoso dovrebbe interessare la nostra località nelle giornate di mercoledì 14 e venerdì 16 fino a quota 1.... leggi tutto


01 December 2011

BROTHERS IN BLACK (Tribute to BLUES BROTHERS) Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Blues Brothers, The Doors, Queen, Beatles, Dire Straits, Frank Zappa, The Rolling Stones, Eagles, David Bowie, Peter... Questi sono alcuni dei nomi, la cui musica sentiremo suonare nell’intensa settimana del “Cover Ski Festival” della Val di Sole! Dopo il successo delle precedenti edizioni, questa terza edizione rivive sulla .... leggi tutto

Scuole di Sci a Folgarida

Scuola sci Azzurra

Pricelist Ski School Folgarida


In Folgarida you will find two excellent ski schools which will make your holiday unforgettable, they also organize ski tours for people who already practice ski through the whole Ski Area. Get ready for a relaxing week of sport and fun on Folgarida and Marilleva slopes!

Ski School Folgarida